
No More Crumbs!!! My Toaster Tray!

I don’t know about you, but I hate having things on my counter….I am speaking of appliances.  I like them tucked away in a cupboard until I need them.

But…. my toaster has been making me insane, or rather, the crumbs from my toaster.  They have been spreading to the counter, the floor and the whole inside of my cupboard when we put it away. And. I. Hate. It.

So here is my simple solution,

I decided to build a simple tray that is cute and very, very good at doing it’s job, making my counter and cupboard clean from crumbs.  Yippee!

Plus, it could be used as a tray for other things too….Isn’t it fun!?

I started by measuring my toaster.  I decided to make the tray a bit bigger-it ended up 11inches by 11inches for the bottom piece.  And then measured 1×2’s for the four sides.  I used all scrap wood I had on hand.

After sanding, I glued the two short sides on and nailed them in place.  The short sides are the same width as the bottom piece.

Then I glued and nailed on the long sides, they are the width of the bottom piece with the two sides nailed on.  I usually just cut the pieces as I go, it is easier that way when I am just winging it.

This is my box!  I love how simple, yet satisfying, it is to make.  When I set it up in the above picutre I was thinking this would make a cute wall hanging or something…not today though…

I was on a de-crumbing mission.  I asked my husband if I should paint or stain it, he went with the stain, as always.

I stained it and waited less than an hour (I am too impatient), thank goodness Rustoleum stain dries fast! I gave it a quick sanding.  Then looked through my handle stash-nothing I wanted.  I ended up finding this cute strap instead.

I’ll be you can’t guess what it used to be?

Ok, I will tell you…It was a strap attached to a ball (a dog pull toy) that my dog destroyed in less than a minute.  Buck has very powerful jaws, and I couldn’t bear to throw this cute strap away.  I am so glad I didn’t!  I cut two pieces the same size and melted the ends to prevent fraying.

Then I used upholstery tacks I had on hand and nailed them on to opposite sides of the tray.

Finished, and loving it!  Now it was time to bust out my awesome toaster (ha ha ha)…

It fits!  But does it fit in the cupboard?

Why yes, yes it does!!!!

Do you like my broken toaster handle?  Just keeping it real folks, at least it still works!

Do you have a “crumby” toaster?  Pun totally intended =)


Toast anyone?


I will be linking to these parties.

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  1. oh my gosh…this is totally genius! People have to deal with this every single day, and now you solved the problem. This should go viral. I love the main picture. Totally awesome! You're awesome!

  2. This is one totally awesome solution to a problem most of us have to deal with but do nothing to fix it! The stained tray looks great!

  3. love the stain choice…sometime stain works better than paint. that's a crumby solution!

  4. Mindi, this is such a cute and clever idea! The stain looks great and I love you reused the strap. lol 🙂

  5. Um…can I buy that from you???? Seriously!!! You should sell these! You must have been in my home this morning as I was trying to vacuum out the cabinet where my toaster site…it drives me nuts! Holy cow this is genius! You need to open an Etsy shop..do you have one already???

  6. Hi Mindi, visiting from the party at Dear Creatives…this is a simply incredible idea that just about everyone can use! Wow! Thanks so much for sharing and have a great weekend. Look forward to following you! ~Cindy@littlemisscelebration.com

  7. Oh that is fabulous!! I keep mine on the counter but I would still love to make one for my toaster and keep the crumbs all in one place! I love that you used your dog's toy straps, you will always have a cute reminder of your wonderful companion!!

  8. I love this! It's so much prettier than what I use, an old tupperware container. Great job 😉
    Jamie @ somuchbetterwithage.com

  9. Just Brilliant! I need to make one of these ASAP Pinning and I clipped it on my hometalk board!

  10. Oh Yes! This is a perfect solution! They make the crumb traps so small don't they! Yet another honey do project! Thanks for sharing & linking up @ DearCreatives.com BTW have a great Easter!!

  11. Hi Mindi!

    I love how you make beautiful items from things most of us would just toss! Since I first started reading your blog I've been inspired to "shop my scrap pile". It's slowly shrinking! Thanks for all your great tutorials!

    Val, artsybuildinglady.blogspot.ca

  12. Love it! This will definitely be finding its way into my kitchen in the near future. Now I need to explore your blog and see what other treasures you've got going on here! 🙂