Hello, I’m Mindi
I’m the face behind MyLove2Create!
Nice to meet you!
I have always had a passion for creating, but I NEVER imagined that one day I would actually be able to do so many of the things I have done and shared on my blog. Seriously. Never.

Like my Master Bedroom Reveal…If you had said to me 8 years ago that I would end up building basically everything in my room, I would have laughed in your face! But, guess what? I did!! (I still can’t believe it, and I did it. It seems crazy to me, and makes me giddy at the same time!)
Why I Blog
Which leads to the reason why I blog. I don’t do it for me…except maybe for an excuse to do a new project… 😉 but really, I don’t choose to blog for my own satisfaction, although I do enjoy it. I do it for you.
Yes, YOU!! That’s right, you my readers, and anyone that can find my projects in this huge world of cyberspace.
You see, I want to inspire you to create. I really feel that using creative stills, in any form, can bring joy into your life. That is not to say that everyone will have joy in creating the same things…nope. We are all different, and love different things, which means the things we create will be different. Different is good. (Who can name that fast food slogan?)
For example, if you are a friendly and outgoing person then you may enjoy creating happiness in others, by making them smile or laugh. Awesome! You may love organizing things, and cleaning out a closet truly brings you joy, you are creating order and peace of mind. (I think we all could use some of that) Exercise may be your passion, and you do it to create a better you! Great!
follow along
It doesn’t matter what you love to create, it matters that you find a way to create in your life. I want you to find joy in your life, be a better person, and I believe this can happen through the creative process.
It is empowering. You are special and what you create and share with others blesses their lives as well as yours. When you try new things and discover a passion or a talent that you didn’t know you had it is like turning on a light inside you, and it feels good.
Now you are thinking, but you don’t blog about everything. You are right, I don’t. But, what I share on my blog is a reflection of what I love to create. I do tutorials and videos so that maybe you will be inspired to try something new, be brave, tackle your fears and discover what you love to create!
Most importantly, I want you to realize that you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to do…you totally can…but you have to try! And if you fail…good. That is what makes us better. Don’t beat yourself up…”Keep Moving Forward” (love that movie) and try again.
Projects are like people. No project is perfect, and that is ok, embrace the imperfections and love it for what it is, you created it, and that is special. (By the way, if you haven’t read “You are Special” by Max Lucado, you should, one of my faves. Don’t worry it is a kids book, really short)
So what is it that you love to create? Don’t know? That is ok, you just need to try new things and find out what it is that lights you up inside! (Find your “CENTER” people…another great movie, can you tell I love movies?)
About Me
Oh, wait… did you want to know about me? Here I am waxing poetic (or at least in my brain it sounds that way)…ok I will tell you about me.
I don’t really like to talk about myself, in fact I am trying to overcome my shyness of sharing about me, my personal me. You know, how I feel and that kind of stuff…but here we go, for starters…
I am a single mother of six beautiful children. They bring me such joy, I absolutely love watching them learn and grow…except they are doing it WAY too fast. I am desperately trying to treasure each moment.
I am a follower of my Savior Jesus Christ, he truly is the way and the light and I look to Him for peace and joy in my life. He is the Creator of all things, and the perfect example to follow. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 🙂
Running has always been one of my loves, it keeps me sane and just makes me feel good and happy. I have run several marathons and ran Boston with my sister a few years ago. Woo hoo!
I always enjoy singing, reading, and dancing. I danced in college doing Folk Dance and Ballroom Dance. I taught dance for years and had my own studio and co-owned a studio for a couple of years. If there is a good beat, you better believe I am moving to it!
I have a degree in Pedagogy (Physical Education teaching K-12) and a Folk Dance Minor. I love being active and if I can do it outdoors, even better. Hiking is always fun, I just wish I did more of it. #goals
The Birth of MyLove2Create
When we moved to Colorado in 2010 I discovered blogs and started trying new things and eventually my blog was born. As they say…the rest was history!
I hope you find something here that empowers you, and join me on my journey as I share, My Love 2 Create!