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Date Night Gift Crate

Hello, wonderful readers!  We are starting our spring break and it is nice to just chill with the fam.
In the next few days you may see some changes around here, I am having some updates done to MyLove2Create and I am getting a new logo!!  Not that I had one before…so I guess this is my first….I can’t wait!  Hopefully this week everything will get finished up.  
In the mean time, I wanted to share a crate I recently gave as a wedding gift to some friends.  I call it a Date Night Gift Crate.  I like to give the couples something to remind them to stay young and have fun by continuing to date after they are married, AND…. who doesn’t need a cute crate?  Right?!
A super easy tutorial to build your own DIY crate!  Or build it for a friend and gift it with a fun theme, like a Date Night Gift Crate!

I recently posted my 20+ DIY Crates which includes other fun gift crate ideas and tons of crate tutorials.   If you are a crate lover like me you can also check out Awesome Ideas for using Crates.

measuring and cutting crate ends at 10 degrees off square
To make this crate I started with a reclaimed piece of wood, I forgot to get a before shot, oops.  It was about a 5 foot long 1×8 cedar board.  I cut the ends to the width I wanted at 10 degrees off square.  I just adjusted my miter saw to 10 degrees (which puts the saw at an angle) and cut away.  
After I cut the first piece on both sides,  I used it to measure and mark the second, then I cut it on the line.  To maximize cuts I flipped the board over to use the already cut angled piece, that is why I only had to measure one cut above.  
ends and sides cut to build a tapered crate
Here are my sides and ends all cut and ready for building.  You can make them any length you want.  
Gluing and nailing crate ends to side pieces
To attach the ends I used Gorilla wood glue and then clamped it between the two side pieces.  Then I nailed it together.  I repeated for both ends and got this…
crate build just needs a bottom
A crate with out a bottom!  I ended up using a different scrap board for the bottom.
measuring board to fit bottom of crate, nailing it on
I simply placed the crate over the board and measured with a pen where to cut.  Then I cut the board on the lines (I just used straight cuts, but if you wanted to do it at an angle you could) and glued and nailed it to the crate.  I wanted it to have gaps on either side of the bottom so it could be used as a planter.. you could make it without gaps by adding a larger board or smaller boards to fit the bottom.
natural vinegar and steel wool stain
I decided to add my natural stain, which is #0000 steel wool in a jar of vinegar.  Rip up the still wool place it in a jar and pour vinegar to cover it and put on the lid.  Let it sit for a night or a few days, and it is ready!  I just brushed it on with a foam brush and let it dry.  It instantly changes the color of the wood…like magic!
easy rope handles for crate
It turned it a fun dark color and I love it!  For handles,  I decided to go with the simple rope look.  I just drilled holes big enough for the rope to go through and tied knots on the inside.
adding a simple chalkboard label to a crate with painters tape and chalkboard paint
I added some pads to the bottom and of course, I love chalkboards, so I put three coats of chalk board paint in a rectangle made from painters tape to make a fun place for labeling.  Super easy!
DIY Crate for home decor or planting
That is it!  Now this crate is ready to conquer any decor or storage need in the home!  Or…
MyLove2Create, Date Night Gift Crate
It can be filled with all sorts of goodies to fit any gift theme you want!
MyLove2Create, Date Night Gift Crate
For a date night gift crate I threw in a few card games, some dollar candy boxes, popcorn, and cream soda!  
MyLove2Create, Date Night Gift Crate
After the dates are done, they can use the crate for whatever they want!   That is what I call the gift that keeps on giving.  πŸ™‚
What kind of themed gift crate would you love?  I can always use more great ideas!
For more fun crate ideas…
MyLove2Create, Date Night gift crate and more crate ideas

I will be linking to these parties! and Savvy Southern Style

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  1. Such a fantastic idea!!!! The hubs and I could so use one of these crates!! It is such a great idea and it is beautiful friend!!! I can't wait to see your new look for the blog!! Happy week you!! Nicole xoxo

  2. Another GREAT crate project Mindi! You're so good at math… I do NOT like angles. hehehehe

    themed? Chocolate! LOL it's all I think about.


  3. Date night? What's that? πŸ˜‰ Love it , Mindi. I really need to make a crate – just because. I like all of yours and they are so versatile.

    Looking forward to seeing your new logo! πŸ™‚

  4. I love your love of crates <3

    Also, I'm swooning over the font you used on the "Date Night Gift Crate" in the picture. How big a bribe do you need to share what it's called? πŸ˜‰

  5. Seriously, you come up with cutest containers for everything! You need to come to my house and help me organize, lol. But first, I really need a date night. Maybe if I put a cute crate like that on the mantle, it will help motivate me. Thanks for sharing on Merry Monday!

  6. This looks so incredible! Loving it! Pinned and tweeted. Thanks for being a part of our party. I hope to see you tonight at 7. Lou Lou Girls

  7. Great idea! It could also hold diapers/wipes for a baby shower gift! Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty πŸ™‚

  8. such a cute idea! I can see all kinds of gift crate ideas. Being a gardener, I would love one filled with fun garden themed gifts! Thanks for sharing with SYC.