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Reversible Wooden Doormat

Time to Parrrrr-tay!!  It is finally here, the Home Depot’s Workshops and Virtual Party!  This post is #sponsored by The Home Depot.  #diyworkshop
Remember last week when I gave you the details?  Well….get ready for some awesome inspiration for  your own doormat, and if you haven’t signed up yet it is not too late!  Sign up Now!
Here is my Reversible Wooden Doormat…

I have always loved the staggered wood look on doormats so I thought this would be the perfect time to try it, and it was really easy!

You can get the FREE plans for this Reversible Wooden Doormat here.

Reversible Wooden Door Mat, MyLove2Create

Here are my balusters and rope, time to cut!

using scrap wood as stopper to get multiple of the same cut

I started by cutting my small ends at about 3/4” in order to get all of my pieces from only 8 balusters.  Start by cutting a small piece from each of the 7  balusters and then on the 8th baluster, cut the last 5 pieces.  Then you can start cutting the 6” pieces from the rest of the balusters.  You can see I used a piece of wood and a clamp to make a stop so I didn’t have to measure each time.

template for drilling multiple holes in perfect placement

Then I drilled my holes.  I found it easiest to make a template out of a scrap piece of plywood or a 1×2.  I clamped my template to my 6 inch piece and drilled my holes.  This also helped keep them straight, since I don’t have a drill press.

Then I quickly (ha ha) sanded the edges and I was ready to stain!

I determined where I wanted my boards to overlap and then drilled a hole in the center of that area, here is a diagram of where I did my holes.  My small pieces were 3/4” because I used the 8 balusters, but if you use 2×2’s you could make them 1” or even 1 1/2”.  
Reversible Wooden Door Mat, MyLove2Create
I used Minwax special walnut stain on my pieces and you can see my holes were not totally perfect on the small pieces. 🙂  
Also I want to note that because my small pieces were only 3/4” I had to adjust where I drilled the holes on the outsides of 6” pieces on each end.  This was to make sure the holes matched up and so the ends of the mat would be even.   So the 7 pieces on each side of the mat, their outside holes were centered at 3/4” instead of 1 1/2”.  Hopefully that makes since.   If you cut your small pieces at 1 1/2” then you would not have to adjust your hole placement for those outside pieces.  
Reversible Wooden Door Mat, MyLove2Create
Using electrical tape on the end of my rope I started by threading the two outside rows, tying a knot in the rope at both ends.
Reversible Wooden Door Mat, MyLove2Create
Then I just started adding one row at at time!  It was really quick and easy at this point.
I wanted to have a fun pattern on one side and leave it stained on the other to make it reversible.  Since I am such an indecisive person this was really hard for me!  So many options…and colors. I sketched up several to see how it would look, so I thought I would share with you some of my other ideas, you can see them in the free plans!
Reversible Wooden Door Mat, MyLove2Create
I ended up with just a white chain type pattern and used a small foam brush to go over the tops of the wood that I wanted painted.  I recommend using a small piece of cardstock or paper to slide between the wood that you want painted and the wood you don’t want painted, or you could tape, but that takes more time!
Reversible Wooden Door Mat, MyLove2Create
Here is the stained side.
Reversible Wooden Door Mat, MyLove2Create
It is perfect for wet shoes or boots.
Reversible Wooden Door Mat, MyLove2Create
Or just a spot for wiping your feet.
Reversible Wooden Door Mat, MyLove2Create
Besides it being useful it is super cute…
Reversible Wooden Door Mat, MyLove2Create
And fun!  I am so happy to finally have one!
Now how about you do you want to make your own!?  You can do it at your Local Home Depot this Saturday!
Reversible Wooden Door Mat, MyLove2Create
Here is the doormat you will be making in their workshop!  I love it, in fact I think I need this one for my back door…

Here is the scoop:

  • The Home Depot offers Workshops at all of their locations for do-it-yourselfers of all ages and
    experience levels.
  • There are three types of Workshops offered – Do-It-
    Yourself (DIY), Do-It-Herself (DIH) and Kids.
  • Customers can learn how to build décor projects,
    how to make easy home repairs and how to operate
    tools through demonstrations and step-by-step

Visit Home Depot Workshops to learn more. #DIYworkshop

Now that you are signed up, don’t forget to check out all the other doormats from these amazing bloggers… 

Virtual Party time!

Thanks for visiting, please come again soon!

I will be linking to these parties and Savvy Southern Style.

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  1. It looks great, Mindi! I love that it's reversible and that you gave different pattern options!

  2. Your DIH door mat turned out so awesome Mindi! I love, love, love the white chain pattern. I can't wait to see what the others look like…. off to check them out!


  3. Love this! Ingenious to make it reversible. I need to up my doormat game, starting with getting one! 😉 Visiting from The 36th Avenue party.