
DIY Chalk Box, or box for whatever you want….

You may have noticed this cute little box labeled “chalk” on my boys dresser.

I made them a chalk board a while back and they had no place to store their chalk.  Now they can draw all the fun pictures they want with an endless supply of chalk stored neatly in their very own box!

This box is so easy to make!
All you need are wood scraps, some wood glue,  a couple of clamps,  and something to cut the wood, a small had saw would do the trick.
Here is how I quickly threw it together.
See how easy that was!  The great thing about this is you can make anything kind of box you want, and any size you want!  It would be great for storing craft items, or jewelry, office supplies, you name it! Once the glue is dry it is very strong, especially for storing small items, you really don’t need nails.
Now to finish.
I thought nothing would be more appropriate for a chalk box than a chalkboard label.
It was done… or was it?  I thought it need something more…
It has a little more style…
And I don’t find chalk all over the floor anymore!  It is a win win situation!
I hope you go and make your own box to store small things in!
I will be linking to these parties.

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One Comment

  1. this looks like something that even I could do.I love the chalkboard paint label AND my favorite part is the push-pins. How creative! I was wondering what those adorable little feet were.