A Rustic DIY Halloween Sign

Hello Friends!  Life has been crazy busy around my house lately, so I am super excited to be finally sharing a fun project with you today!

It’s not too late to do some last minute Halloween Decor, you still have a week!  Why not make a fun sign?

MyLove2Create Rustic DIY Halloween Sign

It really is pretty easy and you can pop on over to Oh My! Creative to see the full tutorial!

MyLove2Create Rustic DIY Halloween Sign

We are all ready for Halloween!  Oh, wait?  My kids need costumes?  Shoot! 🙂

Before you go I have some fun news….I have been invited to help host a weekly link party every Thursday at 7pm EST.  I am super excited!  So come back later today to link up and join in the fun!

Don’t forget to check out my Rustic DIY Halloween Sign!


I will be linking to these parties.

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  1. This is awesome Mindi! I love this idea! Pinning:) have a fabulous day! and congrats on the link party – I will hop over later!

  2. Awesome!!!! I love that you will be hosting a link party!!! I love to party with my friends!!! And that sign is dynamite!!! It is perfect on your porch with your vignette! Every piece that you created is fantastic!!! Great work you!!!

  3. Love your sign – definitely Pinning it! I found you over at the Fun in Functional Party.

  4. Love this sign! I would decorate my whole house in cute signs like these if I was DIY inclined at all! Thanks for sharing at TGIF link party!

  5. This is such a cute sign! & love your decor. I totally flaked on decorating for Halloween this year. lol But, got fall decor up 😉 Hope this find you having a great week!!

  6. Mindi your Halloween sign is fabulous!! Thank you so much for joining us at the Inspiration Monday party 🙂 xo