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Master Closet Makeover REVEAL!!!!

Holy Cow!  I am so so so excited to finally show you my new master closet!

Seriously, this super exciting because I LOVE it!  And so does my husband, and even my kids are now asking which of their closets is next!  It makes all those hours of hard work totally worth it!

Here it is!!!!

Create a beautiful and efficient Master Closet on a budget!

So exciting right!?  It is even better than I imagined, with only minor adjustments to my original Plans.

MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover

It is so hard to photograph inside this closet because it is so small, so I thought I would start with some before and after shots from different angles.  Here is looking into the left side of the closet.

MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover

This is the right side of the closet, and sorry, some of the pictures are just what they are…lights had to be on, no windows in this closet.

MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover

Here is another shot of the right wall, from inside the closet.

One more shot of the old…

MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover

And the new…

MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover

Hard to believe it is the same room.

MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover

I wanted a little “mudroom” type area, for sitting and putting on shoes and hanging clothes/jackets/purses in a quick hurry.  So this is just inside the door of the closet to the left, and I am so happy with how it turned out!  See the clothes hanging on the hooks?  Those are work out clothes, mine and my husband’s. They just need a little dry time before they go in the laundry, and the hooks have been awesome!

Speaking of laundry…

MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover

What do you think of my hamper drawers?  They hold a full load of clothes, and look cute at the same time!

MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover

I wanted them to be able to get some air, hence the metal “hardware cloth” fronts, and I love that I can see how full they are so I know when it is time to wash!  Of course I had to add some fun chalkboard labels…who said you can’t have some “cute” in your closet!  And if you are wondering, I will still be writing a post on the finishing touches to my closet since my last post, I just had to share the reveal first, I couldn’t wait!

MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover

See how full my whites are?  Well, that is because my washer broke, again, and it didn’t get fixed until today, and it is also why my husband has only a couple of white shirts hanging up, most of them are in the hamper!

MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover

See, only two white shirts, he wears them every day so there are at least 7 in the laundry!

Can you tell which football team we cheer for?  There are several indicators above. No?  Here is a closer look…

MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover

Yes, go Broncos, we still love you…  This curtain tie back became a last minute addition to the closet, when we were finally putting in our clothes.  My husband decided he DID want to hang his ties on the wall after all, and it took only a few minutes to install, it works perfect!

MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover
At my husbands suggestion I made the bench with a drawer instead of a bench with roll out crates, I am so glad, it is one of my favorite parts.
MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover
I got some beautiful wood tones in here with all the white, it makes me happy!
MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover
I finally found an excuse to do a plank wall too!  I LOVE it!  It is even cooler because the whole plank wall cost me .51 cents.  Yep!  Months ago I found a 1/4 in plywood half sheet in the cull bin at Home Depot, they cut it down into 3 1/2 inch strips for me because I thought someday I could use them…and this was that day!!
MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover
I tried my first floating shelves and they are so awesome!  I also added my pop of color with these cool clearance bins from a new store down the road called Garden Ridge, it is a super fun store.  They keep my stuff organized and look cute at the same time!
MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover
This bin is on my tower, and it holds my cami’s quite nicely.
MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover
I also have tons of storage in these bins on the top of my shelves and towers.  They are great!
MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover
Oh, that reminds me, I had this light fixture that I got at the restore forever ago…it was only $2.  Way better than the old one!  And I know it should have some type dish or something that attaches to it, but I liked it just the way it was, and the price was right.
Here are a few more shots…
MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover
MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover
MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover
MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover
That sign describes how I feel to be done with this closet.  If you have seen the preview to the new Lego movie, it is from a song in the movie, and we have been singing it constantly!  The letters? My husband’s and my initials…ahhhh.
MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover
MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover
MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover
MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover
And that is it!!  I have really learned a lot doing this closet, and I can hardly believe I DIY’ed it, ALL BY MYSELF!
It makes me realize that you will never know if you can do something unless you try.  And believe me I had my moments of wanting to quit, but I would just plug along every day, even if I only sanded or caulked or cut wood…  The biggest thing I learned is that “by small and simple things are great things brought to pass” and I know some of you have heard that before!  Turns out it applies to big projects as well as our daily lives!
Are you ready for how much this baby cost me?  Now,  you have to know how most of this closet was done with reclaimed materials, I could not have done it otherwise, I only had a tiny little budget!  If you want to catch up on all the posts and how I built everything you can see them all here:
and stay tuned for the final touches post…
I also want to point out that I am not including things I had purchased previously and used, such as the paint, light fixture, one 14″ drawer slide, screws, spackle, plank wall (like .51 cents makes a difference, lol), hooks, and a TON of scrap/reclaimed wood (I am a craig’s list free section addict), metal “hardware cloth”, paint brushes/supplies, one knob, etc…  They were things I already had on hand, but still got a good deal on, or got for free.
Supplies I bought:
Two Sheet of pine 4×8 plywood (for the two towers)- $77.94
Kilz primer- $16.98
6 1×2’s primed- $17.58
9 14″ drawer slides @$5.48 each- $49.32
8 foot Closet pole- $8.32
Pole sockets 4@$1.48- $5.92
Caulk- $2.98
3 1×3 furring strips@$2.12- $6.36
1 16″ drawer slide- $5.98
10 knobs plus 10 longer screws-$13
and approx. $16 in taxes…
For a total of: $220.38 in building supplies
Six patterned baskets on clearance, 2 for $12.99 – $38.97
4 tan baskets @ $9.99- $39.96
and $6.43 in Tax  (This money was some I earned and I used it to splurge on cute baskets =)
For a total of: $85.36 on cute/practical stuff
Grand total spent:  $305.74!!!!…..AND, a lot of hard work!  Not bad eh?!!
MyLove2Create, Master Closet Makeover
So, do you think it was worth it?  I want to hear!!

I will be linking to these parties.

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  1. Lady, when may I treat you to some coffee and goodies? Seriously. I will buy you lunch! 😀 You did an A M A Z I N G job! I wish I could give you a big congrats hug! I am so happy for you. I will be honest, for some reason I had trouble seeing the final vision (probably because I am up too late reading blogs) but I am blown away. I LOVE that bench and hamper. You really crammed a whole bunch of ideas in that closet AND made it WORK. Impressive. So, after you do the kids closets, how about doing mine? lol I may bounce some ideas off you. 🙂

    Go Seattle! Ha! Just Kidding. I am actually not a football fan (gasp) but I am a Denver transplant from Seattle.

    Okay, now you better be in bed. I know you posted this post super late. lol Wait, I better go to bed.

    Super fabulous work, Mindi!

  2. This is seriously amazing, Mindi! I would be incredibly happy if a ROOM in my house looked like this, let alone my closet. I am blown away by the 50 cent plank wall and two dollar light fixture too. Please teach me your thrifty ways. I'm so impressed with how well you put that small space to work. Well done!

  3. Wow wow wow. First off, you should be SO proud of yourself for tackling this! Second, your budget was fantastic and it is amazing how great it looks. I would have thought it was waaaay more expensive than that. Third, I LOVE the hampers. Love them!! What a beautiful job!

  4. This is a beautilful closet makeover and can't wait to try something like this myself… So glad I found you through Kim Six Fix. Following now!! Hopefully, I will take before and afters and do a post on mine!! Thank you for the great inspiration!!

    ~ Darlene

  5. What a great transformation! You used every inch of space inside that closet and made it count. Would love for you to share at Fridays Unfolded!


  6. Wowzers Mindi! You have outdone yourself with this build! And for three hundred dollars? Amazing! I love EVERYTHING about your makeover!! The hampers are a such great idea, the light fixture is so industrial cool, love the pops of color in the baskets, and the beautiful wood grain in the bench! You are an inspiration to us all! Val

  7. Oh my gosh! it's fabulous Mindi! My faves? the wood tones, hampers, hooks, bench! ohhh, you did a fabulous job! big pat on the back girl!


  8. This is outstanding! You did suuuuuuuch an amazing job! Mind=blown! Can you plan my closet for me? (I'm half joking… but if you wanna collaborate, wink-wink).

  9. I love how this turned out! It's so clean, fresh and organized! I love the pink and orange baskets and the punch of color they add to the closet! I would love to have this for my own closet!

  10. Wow, Mindi!! I popped over to your blog from Ana White, and voraciously read every chapter in your build. You have really inspired me to do something very similar in my husband's closet. I really love your idea of the little bench and the pop of dark wood tone sets off the white wood beautifully. One question, if you have time to answer…how did you secure the metal cloth to the drawer so that it doesn't snag on your clothes? I'm sure you covered it some way. Thanks again for the inspiration!

    1. Thanks so much Linda! That is a great question, I have one last post on the building process that I will be posting next week that will cover how I did the drawers faces (hampers included), I got excited to post the reveal and did that first, I guess I should have waited!

  11. I love this!! Where do I even start? I love the bench, the drawers, the laundry spaces…it's just perfect…you thought of everything! Visiting from LOBS and so glad I did! I am pinning this…in hopes I can do the same some day!

  12. wow!! you did a great job! Makes me want to do our closet makeover…but wait…our closet is…well, just a tiny closet. 🙂

  13. I think it was definitely worth it! I LOVE it!! You are so creative, I wish you would do my craft closet…it's in need of some TLC! LOVE Garden Ridge…there's one right down the street where I live and I always love going there….I could spend hours there! Thanks so much for sharing this with us at Sewlicious Home Decor!


  14. That looks so good! And you did it all? Kuddos to you. I'd definitely be bringing in the hubby on that one!

    Renae // hillmade.blogspot.com

  15. Holy cow! It looks AMAZING! Seriously, I love it all, the bench, the towers, the hampers, what a job you did! Can't wait for all those little details 😉

  16. Mindi, kudos to you for doing this awesome master closet makeover yourself – impressed the heck out of me! And that you did it for just over $300.00 is amazing! What a difference it made to your closet and I bet you are just loving it. It caught my eye over at the Give Me The Goods Party.
    Marie@The Interior Frugalista

  17. Mindi, this looks awesome! Just stopping by from Making Monday, and I'm so glad I found you! I love the bench, and the hamper drawers are PERFECT! Great job on your closet; it looks amazing, and I know you'll love that organization! Congratulations on a job well done! 🙂


  18. OMG your closet makeover is amazing. By adding all the shelves and bins you actually created so much more space!!! I am pinning for future reference!

  19. Wow, you did an absolutely amazing job of both constructing this yourself and for utilizing every bit of space to maximize your storage! Bravo!

  20. Every. Single. Person. Now wants your closet. That includes me of course. Thanks for sharing on Trash 2 Treasure Tuesday. I will sit and dream…….. 🙂

  21. Incredible project. You made such great use of the space. I like the hampers with the hardware cloth front. I would need that so I could throw towels in there too. I love the bench idea too. Sometimes you just want to sit down and look around and think. And why not do it in a fabulous closet? #LOBS

  22. Well, I ma stunned….. That does NOT look like a closet: more like an entry or so…. Such amazing touches and detailing… Love the plank wall, and the drawers, and the bench of course. Your closet is well worth showing off!!
    hugs x, Crystelle
    Crystelle Boutique

  23. Oh, I love the great use of space in this closet, but especially the separation of whites and colors! Love love love!

  24. AMAZING!!! Love it! Thanks for sharing at the party! You are making my Mr. look back with all his unfinished projects. LOL Mindi YOU are a rockstar with the tools!! xo Theresa @DearcCreatives

  25. Your before picture looks like my master closet and about the same size! I hate our closet so this gives me something good to show the Hubs what we can do! Thanks for sharing!

  26. wow mindi, this is an amazing DIY. Can you come do my closet?!?!? Thanks so much for linking up at Creativity Unleashed Link Party last week. Featuring you tomorrow on the blog and hope to see you back!

  27. Super Great Makeover!! Yeah I am drooling!! So glad to be featuring this at Freedom Fridays With All My Bloggy Friends!!!


    Pinned and shared!

  28. Oh wow!! I love how organized it is now, I am in the middle of organizing our masters closet myself & boy it takes forever to finish..! yours turned out super fab♥

    hey thanks for sharing this over @ The DIY'ers, huggies♥

  29. Wow, what a difference built-ins make and the fact that you DIYed it is amazing! LOVE! Thanks for sharing at The Makers and we hope you will join us again next week!

  30. Oh. My. Word. You did an absolutely awesome job Mindy! I have some serious closet envy going on right now. I will definitely be featuring this at my next party. Thank you for sharing at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a lovely weekend! ~Deborah

  31. Hi Mindi, I'm back to let you know that your master closet project is on my top three favorite at The DIY'ers! ♥

    Come join the fun & share your latest projects with us again, The DIY'ers party is now live.


  32. Um, I think that it is about THE most STUNNING and amazing closet I have ever seen and it you did it all yourself. WOW! Fabulous job Mindi- pinned of course!!

  33. That looks amazing! I need to redo our closet one of these days, but it is small. To even work in it I have to expand it by cutting into the wall next to it.

  34. LOVE! I'd love to do this to my closet… awesome job girl! I'm featuring it in this week's PoPP Spotlight. Thanks for linking up.

  35. Found you on Ryobi Nation and I love love love this. I plan to steal… um, borrow…. all your great ideas!!!

  36. I absolutely love the bench and hanging area. I'm going to have to make sure I have one of those someday 🙂

  37. I am so amazed at the job you did. I just found your blog through a Lifehacker post but I will definitely be back for more of your great DIY projects. Now that I have seen what is possible, I might just have to try this too! Thank you so much for the inspiration!
    BTW, (This doesn't work quite so well anymore, at least since they changed the uniforms, but people need to know the TRUTH:)
    God must be a Denver Broncos fan. Why else would he have made sunsets orange and blue?

  38. This is absolutely fantastic! OK now mine. I just finished my guest room, complete with new mattress, etc. … it's all ready for you, so you can come to CT & redo my tiny master closet. Oh wait, come in a month & we'll have the screened porch clean & ready for summer lounging.

  39. Well, there are no words! This is great…I am so proud of you, I love this new closet! Much more practical and so cute! Love the hamper drawers, they are much better than my laundry baskets! Way to go, girl!

  40. Seriously. Amazing. Love, Love, Love. All of it. I'm a diy'er and I dream about doing a custom master closet. Thank you for jumping right in and inspiring the rest of us.

  41. Such a very useful article. Very interesting to read this article.I would like to thank you for the efforts you had made for writing this awesome article.


  42. Completely worth it! It looks beautiful! Can't wait until we're not renting anymore and I can transform a closet. Thanks for sharing:)

  43. Just found your post on the Anawhite.com site. LOVE what you did!! Your new closet gives me ideas on how I want to do mine. I know this is an old post, but did you build right on top of your carpet or did you cut out your carpet to place the towers and bench? Anyway, love everything about the closet!