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Easy Tile and Vinyl Christmas Ornaments, Christmas Gifts

It’s Christmas time!!  I love this time of year, and I am always looking for fun and easy Christmas Gifts to give my friends and family.  
Today I am going to share some Easy Tile and Vinyl Christmas Ornaments that I made and gave as Christmas Gifts.
Easy Tile and Vinyl Christmas Ornaments, Christmas Gifts MyLove2Create

I actually made these TWO years ago.  How’s that for being on the ball?!

I just kept forgetting to post about them.  I didn’t plan on it originally, but thought you might enjoy them.  The few shots you see in this post were just snap shots I took, but I am glad I had them. 🙂

Easy Tile and Vinyl Christmas Ornaments, Christmas Gifts MyLove2Create
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The best part is that they are simple to make and very inexpensive.  You can buy tile at Home Depot for super cheap, and purchase your vinyl online or cut it with a cutting machine, I used my Cricut which I LOVE!  

I like to make the most of my vinyl buy using both the cut image and the left over vinyl it came from. See the two ornaments above?  That is one cut of vinyl and I got two ornaments out of it.  I think they both look super cute…waste not, right!?!

What you need:
Tile- for ornaments use 3″x6” white tile or use 6”x6″ white tile to make tile plaques (see below) I actually got my tile at the Restore, sometimes you can find it even cheaper there. 🙂
Vinyl– order online or cut with a cutting machine.
Hot Glue

How to make:
Start by applying your vinyl to your tile.  Not pictured.

hot glue ribbon to back of tile

Then tie a simple bow in your ribbon, and hot glue it to the back of your tile.

hot glue felt to back of tile

Cut a piece of scrap felt the size of your tile, and hot glue it onto the back, covering the tile and the ribbon.

Easy Tile and Vinyl Christmas Ornaments, Christmas Gifts MyLove2Create

If you don’t want to make ornaments you could do a bigger tile and make a plaque, just give it as a gift with a small easel.  I created these simple nativity scenes and gave them to friends, everyone loved them!  You can see I also used both parts of my vinyl which gave me twice as many gifts using half the amount of vinyl.  Whoop!

Easy Tile and Vinyl Christmas Ornaments, Christmas Gifts MyLove2Create

 They hang perfectly on the tree with the ribbon.

Easy Tile and Vinyl Christmas Ornaments, Christmas Gifts MyLove2Create

I think I should make some for myself, my trees are a little bare without them. Of course I would probably make each tile different if I did them for my trees…when you are doing multiple gifts, it is easier to stick with one image. 🙂

Easy Tile and Vinyl Christmas Ornaments, Christmas Gifts MyLove2Create

Do you think you would like this as a gift?  It is perfect when you have lots of people on your list!

Before you go, I wanted to share some exciting news for my friend Ana White!

Not only did Ana and her family build their home, and their Mom’s home, but they built a Cabin too! And they are going to share the process on DIY Network!  I admire them so much and to top it off, they decided to use the money that was meant for advertising for the show to instead provide an Alaskan dream vacation for a family!  You can enter to win here!  I am excited to watch it starts tomorrow!  So you don’t want to miss it! 
Ana was one of the bloggers that inspired me from the beginning, and I am so grateful for her and happy for her success!
Have a great day!

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  1. so pretty Mindi, and love that you used both the positive and negative parts of the vinyl! I have lots of tiles… to bad I didn't see this earlier. (way behind in my blog reading-today is catchup day)


  2. I love making things with vinyl and tiles but had never thought oh hanging them on the tree so thanks for the idea. I will be making these for my Bunko group next year because it is difficult to find gifts that are cute but inexpensive enough to give to 11 people. Do you mind if I ask what font your "Joy" is in? I'm a "font-aholic" and would love to add that one to my collection.