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Bathroom/Laundry Room Reveal, One Room Challenge Week 6

It is finally here my Bathroom/Laundry Room Reveal!!

I am soooo excited to share this transformation with you, it has been exhausting, but sooo worth it!

Without further ado…

Bathroom/Laundry Room Reveal, One Room Challenge Week 6, MyLove2Create

Here it is!!  The obvious star of this whole bathroom is the Jeffery Court tile featured on the walls, shower and floor.  I am participating in their Blogger Challenge with 16 other bloggers, it has been a pleasure to partner with them!

Can you believe that backsplash?!  I know right?!
before of vanity
This is what that wall used to look like.
new vanity with tile backsplash
This backsplash is a showstopper and a lot of work…I only started tiling it Saturday night…see why I am tired?
A good night’s sleep has been few and far between this past week to get this room done.  I had some amazing help from my friends, I couldn’t have done it without them!  
old nasty floor
Remember that old floor?
new hexagon tiled floor
I don’t miss it one bit.  No way, not with this beauty!
Wire laundry basket from At Home
I found an awesome hamper to catch the clothes from the laundry shoot, it fits perfectly.
before washer and dryer area
Going across the room to the washer and dryer area here is the before and the after…
New washer and dryer area
Ahhh, much better!  Notice the window, it was a mess and now it looks as cute as can be.
before and after of bathroom/laundry room
Quite a difference I love how open it is with out the cabinets.  The vanity provides plenty of storage space plus my new shelves I just built.
easy shelves with shelf brackets from Crates and Pallet
The open shelves are perfect for this corner, and I love the Crates and Pallet Shelf brackets, so easy to install.  Remember how I used them in my shed, my easy wood storage shelves are still making my shop cleaner!
new shower door and window trim
As we swing around the room you get a look at the shower door all installed!  It was scary drilling through the tile!  Eventually it all worked out to get it tight, but with a good friends help we got it done!
shower before and after
Here is a fun before and after shot of the shower.
shower niche
We can’t forget the shower niche!
before of toilet area
Oh this sad sad toilet area.
after of toilet area
Isn’t that better?  I think so!  Here is a before and after…
before and after of toilet area
I am just sharing pretty photos today I can share the in process in another post, there was a TON done this past week as you can see.
Bathroom/Laundry Room Reveal, One Room Challenge Week 6, MyLove2Create
Even the door and the trim got a makeover this week.
Bathroom/Laundry Room Reveal, One Room Challenge Week 6, MyLove2Create
You may have noticed the board and batten.  I have always wanted to do it somewhere in my house so why not the bathroom/laundry room! 
Bathroom/Laundry Room Reveal, One Room Challenge Week 6, MyLove2Create
It makes me happy inside!
Bathroom/Laundry Room Reveal, One Room Challenge Week 6, MyLove2Create
Bathroom/Laundry Room Reveal, One Room Challenge Week 6, MyLove2Create
Now I am ready for a nap!  Thanks for following along!
Check out all my other posts in the one room challenge by clicking below.
Also go visit the rest of the participants in the One Room Challenge week 6, all the reveals!!!


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  1. Oh Mindi your bathroom is gorgeous! That hexagon tile is a stunner and I love it paired with the round mirror. All of your tile choices blend so well together. The bathroom looks so bright, the trim and wainscoting add so much. Amazing job, I hope those boys appreciate all of your hard work.

  2. Oh Mindi, you nailed it!! That backsplash tile is awesome… So Pretty!! It was a huge project, but now you have all the time to enjoy it! 💕

  3. Absolutely amazing! I love the different tile shapes and the backsplash really makes a statement. What an accomplishment in just 6 weeks! Now, time for a big nap….

  4. I love makeovers like these! The ones where someones works their butt off and pulls off a makeover that stuns! I would have to agree that the tile above the vanity is indeed a "show stopper"! I can only imagine how tired you are after all this exhausting and hard work. Mindi, you have done a beautiful work on this room…show it off! lol

    Hugs and many high fives!


  5. So, so great! I can’t believe all you know and can do now and it all started with a little air compressor and a nail gun! Mind blown!

  6. Great work lot difference between before and after,backsplash tiles are more beautiful,thanks for sharing.

  7. I absolutely am in aw with the backsplash Hexagon tile from Jeffrey Court. Is there anyway you can tell me which tile this is? I am wanting to redo my small bathroom with this on my floor.