A Savior Is Born—Christmas Video

The most precious gift of the season will always be available for us, our Savior Jesus Christ. 
A Savior is Born-Christmas Video, my gift to you, MyLove2Create

He lives, He loves, He heals.  I know this is true and my gift to you is this video, may you feel the spirit of the season in your lives everyday!

Merry Christmas!

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  1. Merry Christmas Mindi (sorry this is late!). It was so nice to see all those beautiful young people in the video, thanks for sharing.

  2. Hope you had a Merry Christmas! Great video looking forward to more hearts accepting the greatest gift of salvation.

    Carole @ Garden Up Green

  3. I am an essayist for Christ. In my estimation there is no livelihood more beneficial than to commend God through letters. There is no lack of material to compose concerning the Christ (John 21:25). More books have been composed about Christ than whatever other man ever.