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Awesome Sign

I want to share one of my recent PPC’s. Β  What is a PPC you ask?

Personal Pinterest Challenge.

I posted about my first one here. Β It is my own made up name for when I actually get around to doing something I have pinned. Β Yippee!

I actually made this one a while back with my friend Iuliana, she helped me and I was so grateful!

I designed the words and cut them onto contact paper to use as my stencil, you can see the method I usedΒ here.

Iuliana helped me lay down each line one at a time. Β It was so much easier that way. This is a huge sign and there is no way I could have done it as one huge stencil…

I love this quote…

What’s great about it, besides the word Awesome-which I love, is that helps me to remember that sometimes we just need to choose to be happy, or Awesome…

And so now…when I finally decided where to hang it…it will be my motivation to just be better…to be AWESOME, in all aspects of life!

Have you done any of your own PPC’s lately?


I will be linking toΒ these parties.

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