Christmas Glass Block

On Saturday we had a great day visiting my in-laws and helping them decorate their Christmas Tree.  As we were pulling out ornaments we ran across this christmas present I had given them a few years ago.

The only difference was it was filled with homemade caramels at the time, yum!  (I am glad they ate them!)
I have an extra strand of white christmas lights at home, and I was lamenting on how I wish I had brought them to put inside the glass block, they would have looked so pretty!
Then I remembered seeing a bag of starlight mints or peppermints on the counter and asked my mother-in-law if she was planning on eating them. 
With the answer of, no, they were old, we started unwrapping. 
And put them in the glass block.
Well it didn’t quite fill the block, but it did look cute, and better than being empty.
I started unwrapping more ornaments to hang on the tree when the tissue paper in my hand gave me an idea.
I grabbed the glass block and put it face down on the table and stuffed in some tissue paper.
This was the result!  Much better!
I still think the lights would look great, maybe with the mints as well, but until then…
It is kinda fun to get creative and use what you have!  
I will be linking to these parties.

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  1. Very cute! I love it when I'm able to use something I have on hand to decorate for the seasons. Thanks for sharing!

  2. So cute! I pinned it so I can make one next year! January 1st I'll be hosting a Best of 2012 Pinfest– hope you'll come by and link up. Merry Christmas!!!!

  3. I love this idea! & the idea that you could chance items in it for various seasonal displays or even a baby shower. Hope you had a great Christmas! Visiting from

  4. way to go Mindi, love your Christmas glass block decoration!

    I hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas!

  5. Congratulations. This post was a fan favorite (and one of my favorites) at One Creative Weekend on Please stop by later today to grab a featured button and check out the other features. I hope you'll link up again tonight!

    I bet I could find some inexpensive blocks at the Habitat for Humanity Restore. I'll be on the lookout!

  6. I love this idea, anything red and white at Christmas catches my eye. Visiting from Fall into the Holidays, thanks for sharing!