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Curtain Tie Backs Repurposed into Towel Hooks

It is amazing how the little things in life can bring such joy.  For example, these curtain tie backs repurposed into towel hooks are making me very happy!  It was a few months ago when I first shared them on My Repurposed Life, and I LOVE them!
MyLove2Create, Curtain tie backs into towel hooks
Why, you ask? Because my kids can actually hang up their towels…instead of throwing them on the floor, and that is something to be very excited about!  Trust me.

MyLove2Create, Curtain tie backs into towel hooks

You see, this is where the towels were SUPPOSED to be hung.  See no towels…I could argue that it was too high, which is true for half of my kids.  But what about the other three?  My conclusion, towel racks are pointless (in my house anyway) and we needed some hooks.  Desperately.  (oh, and that is dried toothpaste smeared all over the wall…nice.)

old curtain tie backs

So, I went shopping in my stash of random cool objects I buy for $2 at the Restore…and these curtain tie backs are what I found.  I have had them for over a year at least, they have been patiently waiting for me.  And yes, it was $2 for all 5 tie backs, Sa-weet!

dry fitting curtain tie backs onto wood

Since I love reclaimed wood I grabbed one of these really wide fence boards I got last year at our city spring clean up.  I started to see how these curtain tie backs would work for hooks and I was impressed at how perfect they were!

cutting off ends of fence wood to make shelf supports

I decided to cut off the end and use the jagged edge pieces to make shelf supports.  I used the two triangle end pieces and cut one from the middle.

glue on shelfs

Using another smaller reclaimed fence piece I glued and nailed it on the top of my wide board (top left).  Then I glued and nailed on my end triangle pieces for the shelf supports.

attaching shelf supports

I love the weathered ends, pure and rustic.  Fun side story- The top piece of old fence wood is actually from my Old fence wood framed mirror, it got broken when “someone” knocked it off the wall.  The wood broke in a few places so I have since been re-repurposing it!  Oh, I better sand off that word, not sure why it is there…

spray paint curtain tie backs

Next, I took my curtain tie backs and gave them a good coat of spray paint.  I used Rustoleum’s Heirloom white.  Ever spray painted in the dark?  Probably not the best idea. 🙂

stencil on words, using contact paper

I wanted something fun and bathroom related on the shelf board…it is always hard for me to decide this type of stuff.  So I finally just went with a well used: wash, brush, floss, flush.  Good words to live by in a bathroom, maybe the words will actually sink into my kids brains if they see them several times a day?

I cut them out of contact paper on my Cricut and stenciled them on in white.

adding a stenciled flourish

Using a Martha Stewart Stencil I added a little flourish on each end.  I used the very end of the same design to separate the words as well.

screwing on the curtain tie backs
I attached the hooks, or curtain tie backs, on the back of the board with screws.  I made sure to pre drill first so the wood would not split.  I also added eye hooks and picture hanging wire on the back top of the board.  I prefer D-rings but I only had one, and didn’t want to go to the store.
MyLove2Create, Curtain tie backs into towel hooks
And that was it!  I took a scrap of 400 grit sand paper (because it was what I found real quick) and sanded the stencil and the “new hooks” for a light distressing.
MyLove2Create, Curtain tie backs into towel hooks
Perfect, rustic, and fun!
MyLove2Create, Curtain tie backs into towel hooks
Now isn’t this much better!?  Not only is it functional, but cute too!  Just. how. I like it.
MyLove2Create, Curtain tie backs into towel hooks
The perfect size for my kids, and super easy for them to take off and PUT ON the towels.  Yippee!
MyLove2Create, Curtain tie backs into towel hooks
So what do you think?  Want to run out and repurpose some old curtain tie backs?  I see them all the time at thrift stores, and in my opinion you can never, EVER have enough hooks!
If you want to see how I am hanging my hand towels in this same bathroom you have to check out my Rustic DIY Shelf.

I will be linking to these parties.

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  1. Oh, this is soooooo clever and oh so cute! Great job. I love how nautical it looks!


    Sheila 🙂

  2. HA! Is this not brilliant!!!!! What a great idea as those tie backs are such a great size for towels!!! Often times hooks are too small! And I love the sign friend! Your whole vignette is stunning! I hope that the school year is going great! Awesome job you! Nicole xoxo

  3. I love this project Mindi! You're so right, kids and towel rods don't mix! I also changed it in my kids bathroom for hooks, well, not as adorable as yours 😉
    Have an awesome day!

  4. Great use of unexpected items. I can so relate with an empty towel rack, drives me insane. What a steal $2 for the hooks!!! I keep meaning to go to the re-store. Contact paper in the cricut!!!- Genius. I have been using vinyl to make stencils, and vinyl ain't cheap. Thanks for that tip. Looks great! Hope your kiddos use your hooks now.

  5. It turned out just beautiful. I love it in every way! The best form of flattery is imitation. You may see me do just that in the not too distant future because I love this! Stopping by from Merry Monday.

  6. This is adorable! Wow, great idea to use curtain tie-backs! Love the results! Thank you for linking up at Motivational Monday!

  7. So cute! I love it when things are used as hooks that are not actually hooks!
    Greetings, Ronja Lotte

  8. Featuring this at Trash 2 Treasure Tuesday this week. Your photos are so awesome I seriously can never decide which one to choose when I feature you. 🙂 Beautiful towel rack – wish you could make me one. Ha.

  9. Mindi this is so darn cute I can't stand it! You are so creative. My daughter would love something like this in her bathroom!

  10. Oh my goodness I need these hooks for my boys' bathroom! There are always towels everywhere!

    Great tutorial and thanks for sharing on SHOWLicious!
    ~ Ashley

  11. Great idea! Thank you for sharing this post at City of Creative Dream's City of Links last Friday! I appreciate you taking the time to party with me. Hope to see you again this week 🙂

  12. This is too cute! I should have used hooks in k's bathroom. lol I love your work, Mindi! Psst…I wish I could copy and paste your wood stash into my garage. Just sayin'. 😉