
DIY Gift Crates

I have an obsession with crates.

I have so many pinned, I can’t decide which one to make first.

But I did make some small ones…. several in fact, which I have loved to use as gifts.  The great thing is that you can use them for ANYTHING!  A desktop organizer, a centerpiece, turn it on it’s side and make it hold decorations, different gifts, you name it, the sky’s the limit!

If you have never been to Ana White’s site then you are missing out.  She is only one of the most amazing people in the world!  I have already pre-ordered her new book and can’t wait to get it!

By following her soda crate caddy plans I made my very first gift crate!  I did modify it however, because the reclaimed fence wood I scored off the craigslist free section had been cut into small pieces.

I love how it turned out!

 I made the handles out of an old belt and used glue and carpet tacks to attach it.  On this box I pre-drilled holes and screwed it together, don’t forget the wood glue!  I gave it to a good friend for her birthday, she has used it for several things, including decorations, and silverware for family barbecues!

I then made one for my sister…cause she is amazing…

 On this crate (I used the same belt) I used this tutorial to make my cut edges look old.  This brought out  a really old dark wood look, which I loved.  I also got out the nail gun to attach the wood, and this is a much better look, in my opinion.

Here is a closer look

Do you see the five nails on the end of the belt?  I just nailed them in the holes that were already there!

After I made these crates I went a little crazy… and made a bunch more, only half the size.  Here is my smaller version.

Those spots are from water, you can see the repurposed cans behind… I took the flowers out to take a picture (I am too impatient to let it dry) and some water spilled…oops!

Perfect for a gift!  You will notice that I used rope handles for these crates (I ran out of cool belts).  I love the ropes too!

Here is one more idea that I did:

We gave this to a couple (that lived down the street) the night before they moved.   It was a fun goodbye/ road trip goodie gift.

So are you inspired yet?  Maybe a few more pictures….

Okay!  Now go get some old wood and make your own!

I would LOVE it if you pinned this!  Thanks so much for stopping by!

Lots of Love,

I will be linking to these parties.

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  1. LOVE! I received some cute housewarming gifts recently but this would have been my favorite by far!

    Would you mind sharing this on a new link party I host with 5 other blogs: Moonlight & Mason Jars Mondays! We feature 5 blogs who link up every week. The party closes at midnight tomorrow. I know our readers will LOVE these! 🙂

    Jenn Pilgrim