
Family Photo Wall

Last year we actually went and had pictures taken in a studio.  A big exciting step for me as apposed to my usual set the timer, run like crazy, and be looking perfectly calm and serene 10 seconds later as the picture takes.  Don’t get me wrong I have no problem with doing it that way but it was super fun doing it the “real” way for once (gotta love groupon).

Along with family shots I had them take individual shots, and eventually we ended up with lots and lots of pictures, tip buy the CD-totally worth it!

So here is another PPC! (Personal Pinterest Challenge, for those newbies- sooooo happy to have you along, you can read about my other PPC’s here and here)

I made a fun DIY Family Photo Wall!  I LOVE it! (Disclaimer: random darkly painted walls (well done but out of style, not digging it…) equals bad photos, I have been wanting to paint….for 2 1/2 years….since I moved in.  So much for being on top of it!)

This project was inspired by this pin.  You can get the full tutorial over at Shanty2Chic here.  I love these girls and their creative ideas, they are always a great read!  And… the tutorial was great, so I decided why make a new one?

I used scrap wood from “my free wood off of craigslist stash” and wooden knobs I got at the restore, for like $2 for 8 knobs, I know…awesome!

My original plan was to hang these in the hall with my husband and I in the middle, but that didn’t work out.  So in my bedroom they went.

I don’t regret it…there is nothing better than my cute kids smiling at me while I sleep.  I love seeing their sweet faces every time I go in my room.

So if you want a cheap and fun way to display your photos this is a cheap easy way to do it!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

I will be linking to these parties.

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  1. Mindi it is adorable! Actually it is just plain cool! I like the idea that you can easily switch the pictures in and out and I just love how they hang from the knobs….hmmmm…You got me thinking!!!

  2. when I read craiglist and restore in the same post, I get excited!! Love scrapwood projects! great job also on the coffee table and mirror!!

  3. This is so awesome! It's perfect to swap out the photos as the kids grow up and not put any new holes in the walls! Smart lady!

  4. This is amazing! I love your photo display and your blog!! Your newest follower. So glad you stopped by my blog. 🙂

    Kathy @lifeonlakeshoredrive.com

  5. This is so great & what a lovely family!! We still haven't painting our entry closet & it has some peach painted on it. I can relate, lol! I hope you get a chance to do the salt dough. It was fun & will share some photos soon!

    Theresa @ DearCreatives.com

  6. Adorable photo wall. My kids photos stare at me when I sleep too. 😉

    I'm having a STRUT YOUR STUFF Social hop. I'd love for you to hop on over, grab a button and come show off your best projects. Or, just come link up your blog!!


    I'm also looking for Pinterest Pinners to feature every week. If you are on Pinterest and are interested in being featured come link up! Who knows you might meet some other great pinners and gain a few great ideas.


  7. I love this! The pics of your kids are adorable, too! Great job. I need to do something like this in my home. Thanks for linking up at OneCreativeMommy.com!