Gold Spray-Painted Glass Christmas Decoration

Hello everyone!!  Less than a week til Christmas, can you believe it?  I am so excited and can’t wait until school gets out tomorrow so we can enjoy time as a family!  I am not sure what I will get done during the next few weeks on the blog, I really want to spend the holidays with my family and relax. So, I may post… I may not, I guess it just depends! The Wowza Weekend link party will still be happening on Thursdays, so come and link up!  I LOVE seeing all your amazing projects, you inspire me!!
Today I am sharing a fun, quick, and easy project with you over at Oh My! Creative, for my monthly contributor post.  I hope you click on over to check it out!
MyLove2Create, gold spray painted glass

Have a wonderful Holiday Season and a very Merry Christmas!


I will be linking to these parties.

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  1. Beautiful friend! Just amazing! I can not wait for the weekend to come so we can cozy up around here too!! Wishing you a very merry weekend with your family!!! And a Merry Christmas to you!!! Nicole xoxo

  2. Mindi this is so beautiful – it caught my eye over at the Fun In Functional Party. Merry Christmas!

  3. This is gorgeous, Mindi! I will definitely click over to your instructions and pin it! I'll have to make it for next year.

  4. Beautiful Cindi! I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas- Thank you so much for linking up to Get Your DIY On! I hope you'll join us on Jan 5th for our monthly theme party with your organization project!
    Mandy @ The Hankful House Blog