He is the Gift

Merry Christmas!  I hope you have had a wonderful day!

I have been enjoying my family all day, most of us are still in our pj’s!  Life is good!

We also just got family pictures, I thought you might enjoy this one…

MyLove2Create, Do Not Mess with me

Cracks me up…

I will be MIA on the blog for the next couple of weeks while I spend time with family for the Holidays.    I wanted to share this special video, and since my computer has been on the fritz lately, I mean it may die any minute…I will just have to share the link.  Here it is…He is the Gift.  I hope it works, it is a beautiful reminder of what Christmas is all about.

See you in January!


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  1. HA!!! That is too perfect for words Mindi!!!! How adorable is your sweet crew!!! So many blessings you have!!! Wishing you everything wonderful in 2015!! Nicole xoxo