Industrial Pumpkins

I have been seeing pumpkins.  Super cute pumpkins…everywhere, and lamenting that I had none.

Today I was going to the garage to get something for a different project when I had a moment of inspiration…

So, I set to work, and yes, I totally dropped my other project…in. the. dust.  Don’t worry, I’ll get back to it…eventually =).

Industrial Pumpkins at MyLove2Create

I did some experimenting and came up with these cute industrial pumpkins!  I love them!

They were actually really simple to make and I will show you how, just don’t ask me what those metal things are…I am working on it (meaning I will take one to Homedepot and ask someone), but my kids have been out of school, see this Post, and that means running to the store is not happening.  They start back tomorrow so I can update the post then….I just had to post these right away!

Industrial Pumpkins at MyLove2Create

So here are the mysterious metal pieces.  I added the two holes on each end myself.  They only started with the three holes.  I actually used one as a magnetic strip on my Dual-sided Message Center.  I got a whole box of them at one of my “free wood” scores on craig’s list.  The people were moving and getting rid of stuff and willingly gave them to me.  I thought they might be useful someday, and I was right! (adding it to the hoard, my poor husband!)

*Update*  I went to Home Depot today and discovered what the mystery metal pieces are.  They are called brick ties, and they are used to help secure bricks to the structure they are being installed on, helping to hold the bricks in place (at least that is what I understood from what the nice guy said =).  I took a picture for you (I like the pattern on these too, totally looks like chevron!).

Industrial Pumpkins at MyLove2Create

Ok, done with the update, back to the post!

Industrial Pumpkins at MyLove2Create

When the idea hit me, I set to work right away and started punching two holes in the ends of each metal piece.  I got a scrap board, a nail, and pounded away with a hammer.

If you noticed in the first photo with the metal pieces all in a row there were some twist ties.  Those are important to have, I tried using regular wire and it didn’t work, it was too thick.

Industrial Pumpkins at MyLove2Create

Oh, I am getting ahead of myself, before I used the twist tie wire, I bent all my pieces like this.  The mysterious metal is pretty easy to bend, but not too bendy.  (is that even a word?)

Industrial Pumpkins at MyLove2Create

I stripped the paper off the twist ties and used the wire to sew the metal ends together through the holes I punched.  For each pumpkin I used six strips of metal, and 8 to 10 twist ties.  I sewed three together at a time, on top and bottom, see photo on right.  Then I attached the two sets of three to form a ball.

Industrial Pumpkins at MyLove2Create

You can do it that way, or like I did on my first attempt, and add one strip at a time (above left photo).  Either way you just use the twist ties to wrap through the punched holes until you have a cute little ball. (note the center one on the right, I only punched one hole on the top and secured it with a thick wire, I decided to do the other two the same on the top and bottom by punching two holes)

I went outside and found a stick, cut it into three pieces with a hack saw to make the stems.  I used a little hot glue to secure them into place, and added some ribbon!  All done!

Industrial Pumpkins at MyLove2Create

They are super fun!

Industrial Pumpkins at MyLove2Create

My kids have been playing with them all afternoon, and they are holding up nicely, thank goodness.

Industrial Pumpkins at MyLove2Create

Here is where they currently reside. They are doing a good job of making me smile when I walk by because,…

Industrial Pumpkins at MyLove2Create

I finally have some pumpkins, and cute ones at that!

Industrial Pumpkins at MyLove2Create

I love the industrial look with the rustic wood, two of my favorite things!

Do you have fall pumpkins in your home?

Thanks for stopping by, please come again!

I will be linking to these parties.

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  1. Love your mystery metal pumpkins!! Such a great idea.
    The industrial look is so popular – perfect timing ,

  2. I love these! The texture of the metal is what really makes them great, plus the softer additions to the top. Great project, you're so creative!

  3. Very Clever! I love the industrial look of these pumpkins. I would love for you to link these little pumpkins and anything else you'd like to our All Things Thursday Blog Hop going on right now. Hope to see you there!

  4. So cute! I thought they were cookie cutters when I first saw the picture. Great job! Thanks for sharing! Stop by my Friday's Five Features and link up this post (and others)!

  5. This is exactly why I'm not a DIY blogger 🙂 I would never have thought to do something like this, but I love the way they turned out! Found you over at Weekend Wonders.

  6. Yep!! A true original here friend! I have never seen anyone use metal before with pumpkins…..hey turned out amazing! They are so whimsical!!!! And way to go on repurposing!!! I am sending you a big high five for your creative, amazing work!!!! All the best this weekend!!!! You rock!!

  7. Mindi,I saw these over at the Happy Housie and just LOVE them! Such a great and creative idea! Thank you so much for sharing and pinning! If you have time, would so love you to share these at our Best of the Weekend party. Have a happy Saturday and a fabulous weekend!

  8. These are fantastic! what a great use of leftover materials and a fun pumpkin for fall!

    Visiting from Be Different Act Normal – Rhonda @ home.made.

  9. These are great! I love the way the industrial mingles with nature and the bright oranges reflect off the metal… and the fact that they come pre-cut in the perfect length too is a bonus!
    I linked over from the Craft Frenzy Friday Party where I am participating too with Ghost Shaped Card and Free Cut file and would love it if you'd stop by.
    Hugs, Antonella 🙂

  10. Woman, I totally love this! Very creative and way cool! lol 😉 Mindi, you sure do come up with some very creative creations. I enjoy seeing what your mind thinks up next. 😀

  11. I love this! I have seen them made with canning jar rings, but love the look of these! Thanks for sharing at the party! Theresa @DearCreatives

  12. Hi Mindy! Popping back over to let you know that your great pumpkins are one of my features at tomorrow night's Best of the Weekend! Thank you again so much for sharing them and have a fabulous Friday!

  13. Thank you so much for sharing this post at last weeks Saturday Spotlight on Angels Homestead!

    Hope to see you again this week!
