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How to update a Mirror

I love garage sales and will often drive around just to look. Β On most occasions no treasures catch my eye, especially if the prices are too high.
I usually only carry a few dollars anyway, I am super cheap! Β So when I walked up to one and found an ugly dirty mirror for $2 I was stoked!!! Β Here is a little preview of the transformation:

This is how it looked after I bought it, pretty blah right?

Lets get a closer look:
Eeewww! Β I cleaned and scrubbed and sanitized. Β It was worth it for 2 bucks.
After it was all nice and clean I taped it off.
Now for some fun with my best friend:
I love this Rust-oleum’s spray paint! Β It is one of my faves and goes on with great coverage! Β I highly recommend it, and no I am not getting paid to say this.

I primed it up with the white, and made sure the metal flower part got extra coverage. Β Then when it was dry I taped off the metal flower part (not shown).

I gave it a couple of coats of Gloss Berry Pink! Β So fun!

Here she is all hung and pretty in my daughter’s room! Β Truly a mirror fit for a princess!

Now a little closer look:

Ahhh much better! Β And for 2 bucks! (plus spray paint)Β  Basically this makes one happy mamma, and my daughter, well she LOVES it! Β Happy day!

I love taking something old and making it look new again. Β Have you transformed any cool garage sale finds?

Lots of Love!

I will be linking toΒ these parties.

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