Photos onto Canvas Gift Idea
It is getting so close to Christmas!!!
I love to make presents that are homemade and meaningful. Today I want to share a gift I gave to my husband over a year agoβ¦.It was perfect for his office at work! (please note I would have hung it WITHOUT the picture hanger showingβ¦.itβs his office he can hang it how he wantsβ¦.)
What husband doesnβt like to have pictures of his cute kids!?!
Please keep in mind most of the pictures are TERRIBLE, I was not blogging at the time. I took them in a room with no natural light and the glare form the ceiling light, and flash, is awful.
With that said, and ignoring my crappy photography skills, the idea is what we are going for peopleβ¦.
I am sure most of you have seen the idea to mod podge your pictures onto canvas. Well on a tight budget I couldnβt afford to buy canvas for each of my kids, with six it gets a little pricy.
Instead I went to Hobby Lobby and found a 20Γ16 2 pack of canvas for only $7.99 and then I used a 40% off coupon, sa-weet!
I printed off pictures of each kid, all the same size, onto everyday photo paper. (It is very important to use photo paper) I went for a sepia/vintage look and literally just cropped photos of each kid from random pictures on my computer.
For the canvas, I painted it in brown paint (I just used craft paint), and then to add some texture I grabbed an old tooth brush and dipped it in a tan paint. Then I used my thumb, sliding it across the bristles of the tooth brush, to flick the tan paint onto the canvas. Can you see how it looks speckledβ¦
Then I cut the saying on scrapbook paper with my Cricut, and I Mod Podge everything onto the canvas!
Super easy right!
Well after I finished I decided I didnβt like the photo I had used for my second boyβ¦
So I found another one, that was better, and printed it off.
Then I just mod podge it right over the other picture.
Thatβs better, but wait, not reallyβ¦. do you see how that picture looks a little faded? Well I had run out of photo paper and tried to use card stockβ¦.it did not work! The ink started coming off on the paint brush. Use photo paperβ¦trust me.
I ended up going to get more photo paper and printed and mod podge over that photo, AGAIN. It stands it a little higher than the others now, but not too noticeably.
This would be a great gift for Christmas! You could mod podge anything you wanted and make a fun collage for a friend, parent, sibling, or teacher.
One idea would be to do an event, say you went to see a play. You could do a smaller canvas and mod podge pictures you took at the eventβ¦maybe some from the playbill, use the title of the play from the playbill itβs selfβ¦.My playbills always end up in a drawer or box somewhere, why not use it?
Or do a canvas featuring a trip, or family reunion, or all the grandkids in action shots, heck mod podge on a tree an put all your family faces in the branchesβ¦.The ideas are endless!
You donβt even need canvas, grab a long piece of wood and make a photo collage!
Itβs a super simple, super cheap, and super meaningful gift!
I would love it if you pinned this to share with others!
I will be linking to these parties.