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Sharing my creative journey, my story

It feels strange to say, “I have a story.” This is my life. It’s real. It’s not just a story.

But isn’t that what stories do? They capture the ups and downs, the struggles and triumphs of real life. They transport us into another reality while simultaneously teaching us how to navigate our own. The heart of every storyβ€”the moralβ€”is what stays with us. What did we learn? How does it apply to us? And most importantly, how will it change us?

The most powerful stories aren’t just toldβ€”they’re lived.

Real life is full of contrastβ€”pain and joy, struggle and triumph, loss and redemption. One cannot exist without the other. I know this because I have lived it. I am still living it. I have walked through soul-crushing heartbreak, yet I have also experienced unimaginable, miraculous peace. Opposition has been my greatest teacher, and my Saviorβ€”my greatest friend.

He has carried me. He has been my strength, my peace, and my joy through everything.

My story is still unfoldingβ€”learning, growing, failing, trying again. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don’t. But it’s real. And so is yours.

For years, I’ve shared small pieces of my journey, and in doing so, I’ve learned something profound: there is power in sharing. Power in connection. Power in vulnerability. Power in choosing.

I’ve never shared my story like this before. It’s new. It’s scary. This is just the beginning, and in time, I hope to share even more. I see life differently now. I see people differently. My journey has shaped me in ways I never expected, and if you asked me, β€œWould you live it all again?”—my answer would be yes.

Because the lessons, the growth, and the transformation have been priceless.

We don’t always get to choose our reality. But we always have a choice in how we respond to it.

It’s not always easy. Sometimes we doubtβ€”I know I did. But in the moments of uncertainty, one truth remains: we are never alone.

Our Savior will always be there to lift, strengthen, and guide us. I know this is true.

Below, I’m sharing my story in three video messagesβ€”an overview of my journey, how I got started, why I had to step away, and why I’m coming back. I hope these videos give you deeper insight into my purpose and just how passionate I am about walking this journey with you. I’d love for you to follow along!

Join the journey β€” subscribe now!

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