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Succulent Planters from Light Fixtures

Hello again!  I am back with another fun repurposed project for you today!

You know I love to be thrifty and repurpose, and so do my friends (my friends that live by me, cause you are also my friends)…which is why this project was possible.  My friend Leslie gave me her old bathroom light fixtures when I went to pick up some jewelry from her, she is amazing and has beautiful affordable jewelry that she makes…oh wait, I am getting off subject…right.  Light fixtures.

These light fixtures intrigued me, well the curved glass did, and I kept pondering on them each time I passed by in the garage…what to do with them?  Hmmm.  I eventually came up with today’s project, Succulent Planters from Light Fixtures!

Don't throw out that light fixture, use the glass to create beautiful succulent planters for your home, full tutorial at MyLove2Create.

Ok, I guess technically it is Succulent Planters made from light fixture glass, but it was just easier to say light fixtures, so I went with it.

Now let me tell you another fun thing, not only am I sharing a repurposed project today, but 7 of my awesome DIY friends are sharing repurposed projects too, it’s your lucky day!

Repurpose it Challenge, Succulent Planters from Light Fixtures, MyLove2Create

Just like the One Board Challenge I was a part of in July.  I am hosting my own challenge for September and of course I wanted to do a Repurpose It Challenge, because that is what I love to do!

Stay tuned at the end of my post for links to the other bloggers participating, and get ready to see some awesome repurposed projects.  🙂

Now, onto my repurposed light fixtures into succulent planters…

hanging succulent planters

I kind of love them.  🙂  Mmmm.

light fixture before

So, like I said, it all started with this old fixture, and I actually had two, one with 5 lights and one with 4, that my friend gave me.  I knew the glass coverings were meant to be repurposed, I could just feel it…

deck wood before
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I came up with several different ideas, but the one that stuck in my head was to make them into planters.

I have been SLOWLY working on my master bedroom and I really wanted to bring some plant life to my space.  I went to my stash of deck wood that my father in law gave me, and grabbed a long board, it would be perfect for planters.  Cause you know, deck wood, it is made to be in the elements…water.

figuring out how to make succulent planters from light fixture glass and deck wood

My deck wood was just the right width for my glass fixture at 5 1/2 inches wide.  I grabbed a scrap piece of it and another piece of scrap wood and started figuring how it could work (left photo).  Once I knew what I wanted I traced around the glass onto the board and cut out the semi circle with my Ryobi Jig Saw.  Then I did a dry fit.

making planters out of light fixture glass and deck wood

I decided to make planters out of all 9 glass fixtures, since I was doing it anyway, I might as well make them all, so I cut the wood.  Plus I had a few different ideas of how to display them, and I wasn’t sure how many I would need.

making planter base out of deck wood

After sanding the pieces, I added glue and finish nails to attach the semi circle to the rectangle.

drilling holes for hanging planters and glass light fixture hardware

Then I used the glass and a scrap piece to mark where to drill holes.  I added holes to the top so I could hang them if I wanted, and holes where the hardware would attach to the glass front.

staining wood planters

I decided to go with a Natural Stain to bring out the rich wood color.  It is amazing the difference it makes.  The dark wood planters on the right have been stained the rest haven’t, when the stain was dry I was ready to add the glass fronts.

removing hardware from light fixture to make glass planters

I was able to use most of the hardware from the original fixture.  I replaced the small machine screws with 1 1/4 inch machine screws from home depot.  The longer screws allowed me to attach the hardware through the 3/4in thick wood.

attaching light fixture glass to wood planter

I took the hardware to the store to make sure I got the proper size screws.  When I got home I attached the metal brackets onto the wood.  Then I attached the glass fronts.  It was really easy!

planting succulents into light fixture planters

Now all I had to do was plant!  I got these succulents for a great deal at an Ace Hardware nursery.  It was totally buy chance, I asked Siri where the nearest nursery was and she took me there.  They were cheaper than the other store I had tried so I got them @ $2.49 each.  I am sure you can find great deals online too, but I was out of time, or I am just impatient.

I decided not to drill holes in the bottom for drainage, because the glass was not totally flush on the sides and front where it connected with the wood.  I knew the water could seep through the cracks.  I can move them to a place to water them, and when the water is done draining, return them. 🙂

adding leather hangers to planters

To make them hanging planters I added leather lace through my top holes and tied knots to secure it in place.  In the photos above I was testing to see which way I wanted to have my leather knots.  I liked them both, but decided the knots in front added character, and made it easier for multiple uses…more on that in a second.

succulent planters as book ends

For example, if I want to use my planters as book ends.

succulent planters as book ends

The extra leather just flattens out nicely next to the book, whereas the knots would be a little harder to conceal.  Of course you could remove the leather straps completely, but I like to change things up often and have my projects versatile.  I am weird that way, and lazy.  It is hard to untie leather knots. 😉

Succulent Planters from Light Fixtures, MyLove2Create

This way works too, circle planters…I knew these glass fixtures were meant to have a higher purpose, this is so fun!  I like the way they look on my DIY Tray Stand too.  I guess they don’t HAVE to go in my bedroom…

Succulent Planters from Light Fixtures, MyLove2Create

…but then I would have to come up with another plant project.  🙂

Succulent Planters from Light Fixtures, MyLove2Create

I guess I will have to decide.  Can you tell I was enjoying staging these?  Ha ha.

making planter hanger back drop from reclaimed wood

My original plan was to have them hanging.  I had some scrap wood that was already painted white, it was from a sun room and I used it to make my chippy decor box years ago, so I grabbed it and just randomly threw some pieces together.

I ended up having some boards the same size so I cut a couple to make a “sort of” pattern, I glued and nailed scrap wood to the back to secure the boards together.  I was really just winging it to see if I liked the look.  I hammered in some nails, and I was done.

hanging succulent planters from light fixtures

Hanging succulent planters!  The white wood really makes the planters pop,

hanging succulent planters from light fixtures

And now I see my decision on what to do with these planters is getting harder.  So I decided to bring them into my bedroom, I put them in the window…

Succulent Planters from Light Fixtures, MyLove2Create

…and I liked them there too.

Succulent Planters from Light Fixtures, MyLove2Create

Maybe I shouldn’t do things versatile…it only complicates my issues with making decisions!

Succulent Planters from Light Fixtures, MyLove2Create

But I guess it is good in a way, because I can keep changing my mind and it isn’t a big deal.  Right?!

I would love to know how you think I should display my succulent planters from light fixtures.  Please share your favorite, I can always use good advice. 🙂

And now, onto the blog hop!

Repurpose it Challenge Blog Hop, MyLove2Create

Here is a sneak peek of all the cool repurposed projects for you to see!  Please go check them out, and send them some love from me!

Oh, and if you missed my post yesterday, then you will want to check it out, I am hosting a One Board Challenge for YOU and you have a chance to win $1,000 in Ryobi Tools!  I know right?!  Plus I finally posted my plans for my Floating night stand.


I will be linking to these parties and Savvy Southern Style

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  1. Mindi! You outdid yourself! Oh my gosh! How great that you were able to use those little hardware brackets…perfect!
    I can't even tell you which way I love them best….it's all so wonderful. But IF I had to choose one, I would have to choose them all hanging on the whitewashed board. wait… maybe it's back to back… no, I think it's the bookends….. brilliant, creative, and oh so clever!
    Thanks for hosting this Repurpose It challenge!!


  2. Oh my goodness… these are so cool! I would have never thought do to that! I'm off to go on a wild pinning frenzy. haha Well done!

  3. So super smart how in the world did you ever come up with that genius idea?! I love the contrast of the glass, hardware, wood, leather, and plant – it all works together like it was meant to be. They are beautiful.

  4. Okay.. this so cool how you can mix and match them into all those different styles.. I love them as bookends! And what a smart way to use the hardware!

  5. Mindi these are so cute that it make me want to run out and buy a light fixture, lol. They really are absolutely darling, no matter where you put them……they look like they were made for that spot. Thanks for sharing and inspiring. ( =

  6. This is genius! How did you ever come up with this idea?? Now I'm going to look at my fixtures and see if they look outdated!

  7. Mindi!!! Those are the cutest planters ever…I just don't get how you can see an light and come up with that. Amazing Seriously so cute.

  8. WOW!!!! You are UH-MAAAAAA-ZINGLY creative! Love how versatile the planters are for displaying. So many options!

  9. So cool! Thank you so much for sharing this at the What to do Weekends Party! My Mum will love your incredibly inventive planters!
    Happy Weekend!
    Theresa @ Shoestring Elegance

  10. So creative! I love this and really like them as book ends, that was my favorite! A project well done with class.

    Carole @ Garden Up Green

  11. What a great idea to upcycle. I love the way the planters turned out. I am visiting from the #HomeMattersParty and hope that you visit me as well.

  12. Mindi, you really thought out of the box with this one. I would never have thought to turn them into planters. Very neat! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  13. Mindi, this is incredible! You know I love how your mind works! 🙂 I really love the plants used as bookends. They look so nice on your table! Plus, you know I am a bibliophile. 😉

    Ingenious thinking, my friend!

  14. These succulent containers are so creative! They're being featured at the Something to Talk About link party today! Hope your day is a happy one, CoCo

  15. This is a fab project! So glad you are featured at Something To Talk About Link Party! Cheers to a great week!
    Vicki and Jennifer
    2 Bees in a Pod

  16. This is a fab project! So glad you are featured at Something To Talk About Link Party! Cheers to a great week!
    Vicki and Jennifer
    2 Bees in a Pod