Find Your Hearts, A Family Tradition

Are you amazed by my poetry skilz?  Ha ha j/k!  This is fun tradition we started in my family a few years back.
You see I have never done much for Valentine’s day so I decided it was time to spread the love…
In high school on Valentine’s day a heart with each student’s name was was taped on the walls through out the school.  Everyone was supposed to find their heart with their name on it.  It was a fun simple way to make the day special.
So I adapted this for my family.  I sat my husband down the night before Valentines day and we each wrote nice things, and compliments for each child, and made sure to put their name on it, and love Mom or Dad.  Then we stuck the hearts all over the walls in our home.
In the morning the kids had so much fun running around and finding all their hearts!  They were so happy!  It made us all feel good and full of LOVE!  (we have six kids and my husband and I did six hearts per kid, so each ended up with 12 hearts total! That is a lot of hearts!)
I hope that by sharing this family tradition with you, you too can share love and happiness to your own children, or spouse, or whoever!  What’s fun is you can even have the kids do it for each other too….There are all sorts of possibilities!
Have a happy Valentine’s day filled with LOVE!
I will be linking to these parties.

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  1. That's a great idea! I like that it is so loving & so non-consumerist : ) I think my little one would LOVE that! (She would especially enjoy exercising her emerging reading skills that way)