
Featured on Remodelaholic!

I am so excited to share with you that my Master Closet Makeover is being featured on Remodelaholic today!  If you don’t know Cassity and Justin, you should!  They have an amazing blog and it truly is such an honor for me to have my project featured!  Maybe someday I will be half as cool as they are…

So, you have to check it out.  Follow this link, Amazing DIY Master Closet Renovation.  (yeah, I thought that was a pretty cool title they gave my post, see… they are super nice!)

I am sure most of you have seen it, but I would love it if you popped over to give some love.  It is a full tutorial from start to finish. Heck, you could even share it on your social media if you wanted!  If you are new here then by all means what are you waiting for?  Go and check it out!

Thanks a million, and yes I still LOVE my closet, best project ever.  So if you are on the fence about doing yours…just go for it!  I promise you won’t regret it.


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  1. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey ROCKSTAR!!!!!!!!!!!!! You deserve it!!!! I am so happy for you!!!!

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