Stars and Stripes Forever, Rustic Fence American Flag

I wanted to post this on Memorial day…but, if you read my last post then you know my time was better occupied.  Plus we are coming up on the Fourth of July so it is all good!  Check this out…
MyLove2Create, Rustic Fence American Flag

I. am. in. LOVE.

Scrap wood American Flag

Some of you may remember my Scrap Wood American Flag, I made last year.  Well I wanted to go a little bigger this time.

MyLove2Create, Rustic Fence American Flag

So I did, this baby is a whoppin’ 58″ x 36″, that is just about 5 feet by 3 feet.  Huge…

MyLove2Create, Rustic Fence American Flag

And, I made two.  Eeek!  I was happy I could get all thirteen stripes and fifty stars.

Rustic Fence Sections

It all started with these fence sections, with super cool rounded wood pickets.  I actually used some of this wood on one of my Reclaimed Fence Wood Crates, and I used them Here too.

My Father in Law gave them to me when they replaced their fence.  I requested a few sections in tact, and now wish I had gotten more.  I wanted to make flags out of them because of the “tattered” looking edges, perfect for Old Glory.  Over a year and a half later (story of my life) I am finally getting to them. I used my awesome Roybi Sawzall to cut them down to 13 pickets.

Tape, chip brush, and red white and blue paint

Grabbed some supplies…

Taping off blue section for flags and painting fence sections

And set to work.  Taping off the blue section and using paint and lots of water to “white wash” the color on.  It looks dark when you first apply, then dries lighter.

White washing stripes

I did the same watered down technique with the red and then started on the white.  Opps, I dripped!  No worries, I just wiped it off.  I did do a couple coats of white, it really soaked into the wood.

Ready to paint on stars

We are ready for stars people!  Notice how I got smart and put the flags up on my saw horses…well I wasn’t smart enough to wear sunscreen…my neck still hurts.  I hate it when I do that.

Stenciling on the stars to the American Flag

I designed and cut some stars on my cricut onto contact paper.  It didn’t stick too well on the rustic wood, but good enough to make a stencil.  I simply moved it down row by row to get the spacing right and all fifty stars painted.  To keep them straight it helped to line up the stencil with the row of stars above.  The wind kept picking up so I grabbed a hammer to weigh down my stencil.

Please note, I did not water down the paint to stencil the stars.  I loaded the brush, wiped most of the paint off and then stenciled the stars.

MyLove2Create, Rustic Fence American Flag

A little distressing…

MyLove2Create, Rustic Fence American Flag

And we are good to go!

MyLove2Create, Rustic Fence American Flag

Look how fun it is on my house!  If I sell these I may have to make one for me, can’t you just see one of these in a home over a fireplace mantle or a cabin?

Where would you put it?


I will be linking to these parties.

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  1. beautiful job Mindi! love your flags.

    congrats on the feature over at remodelaholic!


  2. LOVE this!! It even looks easy enough for me to make! Thanks so much for linking up to Freedom Fridays – pinned and scheduled to share on Facebook!

  3. Girl, you are amazing….just love your DIY creations and doing some of them myself! Thank you for sharing your gifts of creative talent! Janette

  4. I really like the washed down paint, as you can see the original wood. It's pretty large, and it looks great

  5. Perfection, Mindi! I love all of them…and now this one is HUGE! The bigger the better I say. Thanks for linking up to Inspiration Monday Party! Hope to see you next Sunday…I am pinning your beautiful American flag now!

  6. Pinning to my Red, White and Blue page. Love it! Thanks for sharing it at the party! Theresa @DearCreatives

  7. Just perfect! Thanks for sharing and I'm pinning to the Trash 2 Treasure Highlights page. 🙂

  8. Just perfect! Thanks for sharing and I'm pinning to the Trash 2 Treasure Highlights page. 🙂

  9. Mindi, these are awesome! If you do sell them, please let me know. The look of the weathered fence is perfect. Great job!

  10. This is great tutorial for great decor! WOW! Just love it… Thanks for the tutorial 🙂

  11. This is fantastic, LOVE how it turned out! Pinned 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing at The Makers!

  12. Love the rustic look of this Mindi! You can definitely see that on from the road! Thank you for sharing at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a great weekend!
    Blessings, Deborah

  13. Thanks so much for stopping by Creative Spark Link Party! I love this project so much you were chosen as a feature this week on Weekend Craft! Hope you stop by again this week.

  14. Geesh, now I want to make one! Mindi, this is fabulous! I love how creative you are and you could totally sell these.

  15. Hi what a great project!! I was wondering at what size you cut your stencil and stars? I have the cricut explore and would love to do this as I have several pieces of old fencing that I was gonna burn. Thanks so much for sharing and for the help.

  16. I used your website to make a large and small rustic flag, which helped me get started. A lot of work, but turned out great, thank you!