Teenage Boy Room Reveal
This is it!! My Teenage Boy Room is finally DONE!! Woo hoo!!
Oh what a happy day, and we are all loving the results…let’s look at some photos, shall we?

First to refresh your memory, I mean it has been 8 weeks since this challenge started, and you might have forgotten what this room looked like before.

Here is the view walking into the room before.

And the after. So fun right?!

Let’s look at the view from the closet, this is the before.

Look how much character the board and batten gives this space. I love how the rule of thirds worked it’s magic.

This is the sad side view.

It is not looking so sad now!

And last but not least, the closet and nook before.

And after (lots of hard work)!! So that is it, what do you think?!

Because, when you have lived in the “before”, I mean… What’s not to love right?!

I added a simple shelf above the niche built-in so he has a place to display important things.

I even got him a mirror, this one was black so I painted to match the colors in the room.

Since the room has a sort of travel theme, and the mirror needed a little company, I asked my son where he would like to visit someday. He said one of the places on his list was Machu Picchu. So, a digital download, some scrap wood, and a little time later, we had a fun companion to the mirror on this wall. I sort of love it, and I defiantly want to visit too!

We have some other fun travel themes on the opposite wall, the map is especially fun. He actually requested a map, and this one was a perfect choice!

This desk is a simple build with a modern look, and works great for getting the homework done, painted gray to complement the walls.

On the opposite side of the bed, I actually bought a night stand, I know. It kind of kills, me but hey, I was out of time and the top is super cool so…whatcha going to do? Maybe I will build one another time. This one was great because it has a built in power strip on the back. It looks pretty good by the bed I think.

Now don’t laugh, but I was sort of itching to try a concrete project, and so my very first attempt is making an appearance in this room. It was a fun experiment, and I learned a lot, not too bad for a first shot?! Simple and cute.

And the bed…oh we are loving this bed you guys. Seriously. It is pretty much perfect for my son and just “makes” the room, IMHO. π

You may think I am crazy for adding the blue, but sometimes you just have to take a chance. I think it paid off. No other teenage boy has a bed like this, and that makes it pretty special. Cause, what special kid doesn’t deserve a special bed made just for him! Mine totally does!

Speaking of the bed, above it is a massive sign that was all my son’s idea. I asked what would be a cool quote to use to make a sign and he said, “With great power comes great responsibility”. Of course, classic spider man, a great quote. I was totally down.

And with that, I think we about have it covered. I took a million pictures and I think it took me almost as much time to decide which shots to use as it did to do this room…ok well maybe that is exaggerating just a little bit, but it felt like it! Ha ha!